Beyond Bulls & Bears

Using avoided emissions to build the case for investing in climate change

Using avoided emissions to build the case for investing in climate change

Activities that help companies avoid emissions are an attractive investment opportunity, according to Templeton Global Equity Group Portfolio Manager Craig Cameron. By actively seeking opportunities to reduce emissions, he says investors can align themselves with sustainability goals that contribute to a low-carbon economy.

Promoting a greener future: The power of sustainable investing
Fixed Income

Promoting a greener future: The power of sustainable investing

Why should investors care about sustainable investing? Franklin Templeton Fixed Income’s Head of Sustainable Investments David Zahn and Senior Sustainability Manager Kasper Hanus weigh in on how FTFI thinks responsible investing and investment returns aren’t mutually exclusive goals.

Meet the Manager: Bonnie Wongtrakool

Meet the Manager: Bonnie Wongtrakool

As a young girl with dreams of a career in finance, Western Asset’s Bonnie Wongtrakool is a prime example of manifesting one’s future success—but not without putting in the work to make it happen. Today, she helps mentor other young women hoping to follow in her footsteps. Here, we get to know Bonnie.

Quick Thoughts: The Connection Between Climate Change and Geopolitics

Quick Thoughts: The Connection Between Climate Change and Geopolitics

Successful international investing includes measuring financial risks and rewards caused by events in an affected country. Stephen Dover, Head of Franklin Templeton Investment Institute, discusses how macroeconomic and political research complemented by environmental, social and governance (ESG) research provides investors additional prisms to view a country’s financials, impacts on climate change, and geopolitical risk.

Are We at the Inflection Point of Climate Change Investing?

Are We at the Inflection Point of Climate Change Investing?

The rise of environmental, social and governance (ESG) investing is nothing short of extraordinary, according to Yu Meng, Chair of Asia Pacific at Franklin Templeton. As we are constantly reminded by extreme climate change events, he says urgent actions are required from all of parts of society and the economy, including the financial markets. In this excerpt from his recent article, “Are we at the inflection point of climate investing?” in the Journal of Investment Management, Meng explores whether climate change investing is at an inflection point.