Beyond Bulls & Bears

Notes from the Trading Desk – Europe

Notes from the Trading Desk – Europe

A dovish tone from several central banks has helped support equity markets, alongside positive news on a Pfizer COVID-19 treatment. Earnings season continues to be supportive, with more companies beating than missing on earnings metrics.

Notes from the Trading Desk – Europe

Notes from the Trading Desk – Europe

The focus as we progress through earnings season is around supply chains and inflation. A number of companies have already noted they have been able to pass cost increases onto customers.

Notes from the Trading Desk – Europe

Notes from the Trading Desk – Europe

Investor focus has been on inflationary pressures and the impact on bond markets as many government bond yields continue to widen. Intertwined with these issues is how central banks react and adapt to this environment.

Notes from the Trading Desk – Europe

Notes from the Trading Desk – Europe

Last week, markets appeared to be on the lookout for negatives. Whilst there wasn’t one overarching driver behind the weakness, a number of factors contributed.

Notes from the Trading Desk – Europe

Notes from the Trading Desk – Europe

After a steady grind higher through the summer, global equities stumbled last week as several headwinds weighed on sentiment. Concerns over the negative impact of Chinese regulatory crackdowns hit a number of sectors, the Federal Reserve’s July meeting minutes and rising concerns over the spread of the Delta COVID-19 variant were all cited as reasons for a pullback.

Eurovision: Scores of Return Potential

Eurovision: Scores of Return Potential

Mutual Series Portfolio Managers Katrina Dudley and Mandana Hormozi discuss why Europe deserves renewed attention. They believe newfound stability and unity of the region, its pioneering use of regulation and environmental initiatives and accelerating vaccine rollout provide Europe scores of return potential.

Notes from the Trading Desk – Europe

Notes from the Trading Desk – Europe

It seems the adage of “never be short a quiet market” held true recently as European equities saw their tenth consecutive all-time high, their longest run of record high sessions since 1990.

Notes from the Trading Desk – Europe

Notes from the Trading Desk – Europe

It had seemed like COVID-19 trends in Europe were showing signs of progress, but last week brought further concerns about infection rates in the United States and Asia.

Notes from the Trading Desk – Europe

Notes from the Trading Desk – Europe

Global equities traded weaker overall last week with much of the focus on the latest round of corporate earnings releases, which look good so far and were surprisingly positive. It was also a week where China widened its regulatory net on big technology companies, which weighed on market sentiment.