Beyond Bulls & Bears

Flood-risk mitigation in Slovenia: A case study
Fixed Income

Flood-risk mitigation in Slovenia: A case study

Climate change adaptation is becoming increasingly necessary. For asset managers, it is imperative to know which issuers are well prepared for future risk events. Using Slovenia’s flood-risk mitigation efforts as an example, we explain why a thorough understanding of both potential risks and relevant mitigation measures is a cornerstone of best-in-class impact investing.

Quick Thoughts: The sovereign debt wave—an existential threat
Fixed Income

Quick Thoughts: The sovereign debt wave—an existential threat

The Sovereign Debt Wave is at a historic peak and appears set to continue growing. With higher inflation and reduced liquidity, some countries will be able to continue to issue debt easily, while some will not. Franklin Templeton Institute’s Stephen Dover and Kim Catechis discuss the different factors that will affect long-term investment returns for sovereign debt.
