Beyond Bulls & Bears

Franklin Templeton Fixed Income’s take on the new EU Green Bond Standard
Fixed Income

Franklin Templeton Fixed Income’s take on the new EU Green Bond Standard

The new European Union Green Bond Standard came into effect in December 2024, and two bonds that comply with it have just been announced. Our sustainable investing team at Franklin Templeton Fixed Income welcomes the increased allocation transparency that the framework provides but will continue to invest in a variety of green bonds.

Growing green: Cultivating a sustainable future through an ecosystem service valuation
Fixed Income

Growing green: Cultivating a sustainable future through an ecosystem service valuation

The Franklin Templeton Fixed Income team believes that sustainable investing will be a dominant investment trend in the coming years, with structural tailwinds that could help improve financial returns.

Sustainable Resource Nexus: Analyzing the convergence of food-water-energy on financial markets
Fixed Income

Sustainable Resource Nexus: Analyzing the convergence of food-water-energy on financial markets

Franklin Templeton Fixed Income’s Ashley Allen and Bryant Dieffenbacher discuss sustainable investing and what the convergence of food, water and energy means for investors.

Using avoided emissions to build the case for investing in climate change

Using avoided emissions to build the case for investing in climate change

Activities that help companies avoid emissions are an attractive investment opportunity, according to Templeton Global Equity Group Portfolio Manager Craig Cameron. By actively seeking opportunities to reduce emissions, he says investors can align themselves with sustainability goals that contribute to a low-carbon economy.

Promoting a greener future: The power of sustainable investing
Fixed Income

Promoting a greener future: The power of sustainable investing

Why should investors care about sustainable investing? Franklin Templeton Fixed Income’s Head of Sustainable Investments David Zahn and Senior Sustainability Manager Kasper Hanus weigh in on how FTFI thinks responsible investing and investment returns aren’t mutually exclusive goals.

Quick Thoughts: Insights from the historic 2023 UN Water Conference

Quick Thoughts: Insights from the historic 2023 UN Water Conference

Understanding and integrating water issues into investment processes: Stephen Dover, Head of Franklin Templeton Institute offers insights from the recent UN Water Conference.

2022 ESG engagement report
Fixed Income

2022 ESG engagement report

Transparency should be the bedrock of sustainable finance, while engagement is the essence of a transparent flow of information between issuers, investors and other market participants. Hear from David Zahn as he introduces Franklin Templeton Fixed Income's 2022 ESG engagement report. He believes that through our engagements, we are committing to the development of a sustainable finance ecosystem that delivers the best results for everyone involved.

Sustainability matters: The US prioritizes climate change

Sustainability matters: The US prioritizes climate change

Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), climate and multi-asset implications—Franklin Templeton Investment Solutions examines the IRA from an investment lens.