Beyond Bulls & Bears

PODCAST: Mounting Variables Globally
Fixed Income

PODCAST: Mounting Variables Globally

Templeton Global Macro CIO Michael Hasenstab and Director of Global Macro Research for Brandywine Global, Francis Scotland, speak with our Stephen Dover about the direction of China, variables that could determine whether labour and inflation concerns will last more long term, what may be driving energy prices up, beyond just supply and demand, and views on the US dollar vs other currencies around the world.

PODCAST: Anatomy of a Recession: Looking Ahead to 2022

PODCAST: Anatomy of a Recession: Looking Ahead to 2022

In our latest "Talking Markets" podcast, we hear from Jeff Schulze, Investment Strategist at ClearBridge Investments, about the Federal Reserve’s timetable for tightening, slow growth, the COVID-19 Delta variant, and the resilience of the US consumer. He explains how all of these variants are factored into determining the risk of recession along with the investment implications.

PODCAST: Potential Longer-Term Effects from Current Economic and Investment Challenges

PODCAST: Potential Longer-Term Effects from Current Economic and Investment Challenges

Franklin Templeton’s Sonal Desai, Martin Currie’s Alastair Reynolds, and ClearBridge’s Pawel Wroblewski join our Kim Catechis to assess the possible investment impacts of major global challenges, including the ongoing pandemic, growing income inequality and climate change.