Beyond Bulls & Bears

Notes from the Trading Desk – Europe

Notes from the Trading Desk – Europe

Markets seem to be looking towards a ceasefire in Ukraine. Reports over the rest of the week showed little hope of any imminent de-escalation, with the crisis appearing to deepen in some areas of the country as Russian forces appeared to regroup, especially in the south and east.

Notes from the Trading Desk – Europe

Notes from the Trading Desk – Europe

It has now been over four weeks since Russia launched its invasion of Ukraine, and there are very few signs that the conflict will be coming to an end soon. But, it still feels like hope is a big driving factor behind relative equity market strength despite the clear headwinds. 

Notes from the Trading Desk – Europe

Notes from the Trading Desk – Europe

It is well known that the pain from the gas price moves is significant, particularly for Germany and Italy. The Italian government has said it is reviewing options, including reopening shuttered coal plants. In Germany, the government is reported to be considering delaying the phasing out of nuclear power.

Notes from the Trading Desk – Europe

Notes from the Trading Desk – Europe

Nerves have been on edge as Russia President Vladimir Putin continues to amass troops along the Ukrainian border, which has created some market volatility as the threat of war in Europe looms over investors. January has been a rollercoaster ride for equity markets.

Notes from the Trading Desk – Europe

Notes from the Trading Desk – Europe

Central bank action continues this week, with the Reserve Bank of Australia (Tuesday), Federal Reserve (Wednesday), Norges Bank and Bank of England (Thursday) all meeting. The Fed is expected to announce the start of tapering, including key details on the pace, timing and composition of its plan to reduce asset purchases.

Notes from the Trading Desk – Europe

Notes from the Trading Desk – Europe

Investor focus has been on inflationary pressures and the impact on bond markets as many government bond yields continue to widen. Intertwined with these issues is how central banks react and adapt to this environment.

Notes from the Trading Desk – Europe

Notes from the Trading Desk – Europe

Fears of peak growth and central bank hawkishness as well as recent tax hikes to pay for the impact of COVID-19 stimulus measures have all contributed to recent market bearishness.

Notes from the Trading Desk – Europe

Notes from the Trading Desk – Europe

Last week, markets appeared to be on the lookout for negatives. Whilst there wasn’t one overarching driver behind the weakness, a number of factors contributed.